Since 2014 Blueprint Health and Fitness has been helping clients from all walks of life change their lives.
As you will see in the following pages these are real people, achieving real results
Those pictures you see in the glossy magazines and on social media of buff tanned males and slim toned women are not what represent the majority in todays society
We understand that people have busy lives, we understand that not everyone has 2 hours a day to spend in the gym.
At Blueprint we keep it real. We want to help you get the results you want, while living the life you want.
Small sacrifices will have to be made along the way, and we are not going to sugar coat it and tell you it will be easy.
What we will tell you is that it will be worth it
All Clients Trained and Coached by Craig Bridgland unless otherwise stated
All Images are the property of Blueprint Health and Fitness and any misuse of them could result in legal action
Mirna is one of our most AMAZING Success Stories. This little paragraph wont begin to do her justice as to how far she has come. From the unhappy girl on the left when she started with us, to the bubbly, happy, confident girl who stands before you today, it has been an incredible journey. She has changed her whole life, both physically and mentally.
It hasn’t been easy for her but she has chipped away each week and each month to lose over 25kgs!!!!
Her mindset and determination have pushed her training to new limits and she should be an inspiration to anyone who thinks that they cant do it.
We are so proud of Mirna and her journey is still only just beginning. Well done miss! <3 <3
Mark took on his 2nd challenge with us, and after coming Runner Up in 2016 wanted to step up his game ad go one better in 2017.
He was super strict with his food and drink and trained the house down! As you can see by his photos he looks AMAZING! It shows what hard work and dedication can do!
It was hard for Mark being the social guy that he is, but the payoff was worth is!
36mm lost which was 50% of his starting measurements and 9.7kg GONE!
Well done Mark, you deserved it!
This was Petrina’s 3rd challenge. Her dedication to her food has meant she has finished in the Top 3 of every Challenge she has taken part in, including Winning in the first challenge of 2016.
She pushed her body even further this time and was able to bring an even better package to the final. Just being pipped by Mark.
As you can see by her photos, the dedication paid off and she looks incredible! Petrina dropped over 6kgs and 22mm of Body fat.
She refined her body and came in super lean! Well done Petrina, you look AMAZING!
Since Emily started with us she has lost over 19kg. These photos taken 18 months apart, show by following her food plan with consistency, it has allowed her body to make changes and drop body fat at a steady rate while giving her the correct foods she needs for her busy lifestyle. We are so proud of Em for sticking at it when the results didn’t happen straight away for her. Big things to come in 2017!
Ash came to us after two pregnancies and putting on a lot more weight than she would of liked.
Poor nutrition and lack of exercise had contributed to her weight gain. Determined she started off with our CBD Lunch time boot camps and right from the start always pushed herself even though it was a struggle.
Once she felt confident enough she realised that the real results happen in one on one training where we are able to help clients with their food.
This training combined with getting her nutrition on point has meant over 50mml of body fat GONE, over 9kgs GONE and much improved self confidence. Ash is one of the strongest female clients we have, both mentally and physically.
We look forward to her continued progression under Craig’s guidance.
This is Chris’s 5 month transformation. He came to us having just broken up with his partner and had let the party life take over his training and nutrition. Chris wanted to increase his strength and build muscle while dropping body fat which is one of the harder things to do.
In 5 months Chris went from 36% body fat to 17%, lost over 12kg and gained over 15% in lean muscle. As you can see from the photos Chris got himself into amazing shape. His food was calculated to his own individual needs and tastes and included sauces like Butter Chicken and a Soy, Honey and Garlic Marinade. His food is never boring and he eats all the things he enjoys!
He is loving life, has cut back on the social scene and is getting a lot more out of his training.
What can we say about this man, words cannot describe how proud we are of Simons effort’s. 12 Weeks ago he had never set foot inside a gym. NEVER!
Simon has completely changed his life over the past 12 Weeks in more ways than one, his determination is an inspiration to us all! His fitness, body and nutrition has all changed for the better and the future is looking much better for him.
Simon didn’t let any excuses get in the way of his results and it shows!
We find it hard a lot of the time to announce winners because there are so many different forms of winner, and Simon has definitely won over the past 3 months! Simons results were, 61mm lost which was 33.33% of his starting measurements and 14kg lost! Keep it going fella!
Ricki came to us having not exercised for over 10 years. An ex footy player he had put on a few extra unwanted kilos after retiring. His nutrition choices were poor, he wasn't eating enough and he needed a push in the right direction. With a surgically repaired knee we started off slow and built up the strength around the knee joint. At the start we warned him off boot camps due to the stress it could place on his knee. Through tailored one on one training Ricki is now attending 1-2 boot camps per week along with his one on one PT session and is getting fitter and stronger everyday! And how good does he look! Think you are too old? To unfit? That its to hard? You're not, You're not, and everything is hard when you first start! Ricki has dropped over 5kg but more importantly over 70mml of body fat and his strength has gone through the roof! He now has more energy and is a lot happier (Just check the photos!)
Tim is a typical English bloke, loves his beer and chips!
He decided though at 42 he was sick of being over weight, tired all the time and had no energy to play with his 5 kids.
Tim went on a food plan that most people would struggle with, 4 big meals a day with 2 snacks. I told him that he wasn’t feeding his body well enough and to lose more he needed to eat more!
The results speak for themselves, over 7kg lost and over 60mm of Body fat gone in 12 Weeks! As you can see there is a HUGE difference in these two photos! Awesome work Tim!
5 Beautiful children, 12 Weeks of following our food plan.... WOW!!!! Peanut M&M's EVERYDAY...Chocolate EVERYDAY…Bread Roll EVERYDAY... Obviously this is not all Sandra eats but it is part of a well balanced food plan which includes lots of carbs, veg, greens, chicken, tuna, steak AND she doesn't eat like a rabbit, 6 "meals" per day all calculated to her goals! I asked her to put her faith in me and follow my plan to perfection. When you commit to a goal change WILL happen! Sandra lost 4kg, and dropped from 18% body fat to 8%! Great work Sandra!
Matts hard work earned him the 1st Place prize of $1250!
Matt is one of the fittest and strongest clients we have ever had. The problem was his nutrition was way off. Too much alcohol, too much fast food led to him having quite a sizable stomach!
Matt followed the IIFYM eating plan which allowed him to have his favourite foods, along with a treat everyday, while still getting his fruit and veg intake right.
Great work Matt, we look forward to seeing the results in the next phase of your training
Matt lost 33mm of body fat which was 32.35% of his starting measurements
Sonny lost over 12kgs, and over 40mm of body fat during the challenge. (53% of his starting measurements) I think we can all agree his photos look incredible. Sonny achieved his results following our IIFYM Food Plans, combining that with regular Personal Training and his own sessions.
Following the IIFYM plan, Sonny was able to include regular treats such as chocolate and ice cream to help keep him on track and avoid binge eating. Sonny’s dedication to his food shows in his results. Small sacrifices over the 12 weeks have paid off with his amazing new physique.
She had some injuries we had to work through, started off with 1 session a week and quickly became addicted and we now train twice a week.
Is a great example of how IIFYM can work for you, doesn’t eat meat so it was fish and tuna, to keep it interesting she had Subway in her plan, Birds Eye fish fillets, Chocolate. Food plans don’t have to be boring, you just have too be dedicated to following it.
She should be an inspiration to every other person out there who thinks it might be too hard, who thinks there are no options left.
She lost exactly 10kg over the 12 Weeks and an INCREDDIBLE 61mm of body fat! I am so proud of her for making the changes in her lifestyle and I am excited to see what we can achieve next year!
Gerry started with us at the end of 2016. This was his first challenge with us.
After years of not looking after his body and putting others first. He decided he wanted to make a change to his lifestyle and become more active.
Gerry started with 3-4 boot camps per week and then later on added in Personal Training.
His development under Craig’s watchful eye in the gym has been incredible. After only a month or so of weight training, Gerry is squatting and deadlifting well over 100kgs!
Great work Gerry, You are an inspiration to show that its never to late to make a change!
While we don't focus on weight loss, Jess lost an incredible 16.5kgs since she started with us. We are so proud of her! You can see the difference in her body and she is one of our strongest female clients.
She follows the IIFYM eating plan which allows her to have her favourite foods, along with a treat everyday, while still getting her fruit and veg intake.
Jess leads a busy life so needed a food plan to work around that. Easy to prepare, simple meals.
Jess has lost over 70mm of body fat since she started and is now one of the fittest clients we have. She had been to several trainers before Craig and hasn’t got the results. We are proud to be able to say she got her results through us!
11.1kg's GONE in 12 Weeks, Andrew lost 38mml of body fat which was 41.75% of his starting measurementsHow good does he look! As you can see in his pics he has really leaned up, his back looks incredible! All while eating foods which some would consider "bad" but when they are part of a CALCULATED, BALANCED and PERSONALIZED plan they work!
He was worried about “losing to much weight” but we told him to trust the plan and he would see the difference he did and BOOM!
No starving our clients, no banning them from certain foods, just calculated macros! Great stuff buddy!
A mum, Kelli was 26 weeks post pregnancy when she started our Online Challenge. She was struggling with her food and needed some guidance. As with all our clients we try to educate them on eating a balanced nutrition plan which allows you to eat all of your favourite foods.
Her results are amazing! With limited training time Jane managed to drop close to 9kg! Jane also lost 25mm of body fat which was 22% of her original measurement's.
Kelli followed our IIFYM tailored eating plan, which allowed her to have a treat each and every day to stop her bingeing!
Kelli and her mothers group friends like to catch up for coffee and cake each week so we included that in her plan.
When you follow a tailored nutritional plan that allows you to live the life you want, be flexible in your approach it works! Awesome work! Keep it going!
Thanks for this bro, it's been life changing. I've enjoyed it way more than I thought I would, and I've definitely got more energy, and better concentration. My next little challenge to myself, to learn a bit about training. Now that I can exercise, at a pretty high intensity for a good 30 minutes, that shouldn't be too hard to do”
Part of what we do is educate our clients and teach them how to manage their results themselves. Markus took this to a whole new level with spreadsheets detailing the break downs of all his food. This enabled him to learn so much more about the food he was eating. It made me smile when we read some of the text messages of his food breakthroughs.Awesome work brother! Happy we could help you out! Keep it up!